Thursday 28 April 2011

US Internet company agrees to ETSI request on LTE and 4G patents

Acknowledges  3GPP Role in Establishing World Class Standards

Internet security software and technology company VirnetX Holding Corporation  has agreed to make its patents available for LTE after a request from the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
VirnetX, which has a history of suing portable multimedia companies over patents, will make available a non-exclusive patent license under FRAND (fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, with compensation), to 3GPP members desiring to implement the Technical Specifications identified by VirnetX, as set forth in the updated licensing declaration under ETSI's IPR policy.
The company has just been granted US Patent 7,933,990 for 'Network Protocol for Secure Communications with Assured System Availability' and this is included in the patent family identified in the licensing declaration submitted to ETSI.
"This is a significant event for us and it's important that we acknowledge ETSI and the members of the 3GPP for their role in establishing the LTE telecommunications standards," said Kendall Larsen, VirnetX CEO and President. "Now, VirnetX is uniquely positioned to license its essential security patents to 3GPP members as they move into 4G." 
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